Sunday, May 2, 2010

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Anatomy Of Kissing

Kiss is not just a kiss. This is an average of more than one message. The Romans took three kisses: Friendship (oscula), love (Basia), and a passion for (suavia). Talmudic Rabbis established the formal Trio: kiss greeting, farewell and with respect. Such as love can lift and break the kiss. This could mean betrayal, because the Mafia kiss of death and humiliation, such as "Miller's Tale. They can be ironic. Mata Hari was blowing kiss him before he was shot by her tormentors.

Kiss of love is the key. Byron called it a "heart to tremble, 'and the lips more eloquent than speech. Heine writes: "But I can not kiss you, O my soul, so I will soon be whole." Wink can be poured on the lips of love to the lips, with completion of the two containers together.

Kiss of Love fuses. Thus, the first kiss is the ratio of signals a new intimacy, and it can even begin. Kiss-as-the permanent feature of Renaissance poetry and was one of the Champions' Janus Secundus (1511-1535), whose boyfriend Kiss Forever, asthenia near-death-trap for their souls to each other's bodies. It is common in medieval art of fusion. We see it as Giotto Meeting Anna and Joachim, the two seem to form a mass, and its a kiss, Judas, who betrayed sheath further communion with Christ.

Two of the most famous sculptural kiss on a very different sides of love. When Auguste Rodin Kiss (1898), the two naked lovers in each coil. She wraps one arm around the man neck, touched her bare sensual hip. He kisses her, she slowly falls down, a nice gift. Working alive with dreamy intoxication, erotic vertigo. This in no way inspired by Constantin Brancusi's Kiss (ca. 1910), where the two block-like humanoid with the press, and even half of his arms around the neck. Their faces almost disappear together, and we see them in profile. Sheer Embarrassment to embrace their relationship, their inability to fully understand each other, the depth. Suitably, Brancusi actually carved from a single stone.

Distance is no barrier to a kiss of love. Pictures of people kissing their girlfriends: drawings, pictures, locker room, freeze-frames on tape. He kisses her statements, bills, fans of the assets of tombstones, a link to a person. Folds and the lips of releasing them to send kisses through the air, or they do not see each other. Fountain on the lips: to expect a kiss request. The old man drank from a cup at the place of their loved ones had just touched the lips kiss on time.

Passionate kiss, French kiss, or deep, making it two in the mouth. This is an excellent history of the animal emblem of lust, but it is clearly a tenderness and intimacy. Lovers' languages to each other, caressing, dance, and from inside the cheek teeth, bathed each other in the oral fluids. It connects the internal seas and a kiss to draw the boundaries themselves.

Even in a deep kiss on the flavor, but all of them have an intense flavor and figuratively. Almost everywhere, they are sweet. They are honey, liqueur, nectar. Renaissance ratings describing their loved ones mouth full of sugar and yellow. "Song of Songs says:" Your lips drip as the honeycomb, my spouse: Honey and milk under your tongue. "In Nabokov Invitation to beheading, Martha's kiss tastes of wild strawberries. Sang Jimmie Rodgers on the pillow as sweet as wine.

Kissing can burn. They like the Persian poet Ha-Fez (1320-1389) on his kiss "char her delicate lips will. They may be the voltage and press a kiss on my head for years.

They may almost inaudibly, like silk sheets or a soft rattle as the footprints in the sand. The last goodbye, the air flows into the separated lovers, that one kiss could pop like a bubble, or suck on the bottle open. Long, luxurious sound of glass rubbed smooches reach or even lower price. The German word compares smacking kiss to a cow pulling his foot from the swamp.

Proverb calls beardless Kiss of the egg without salt "and the Danish linguist Christopher Nyrop author of Kiss and its History (1901) found men prefer to kiss a man beard. In the present case, the finest women in Jutland, says: "Kissing a man without a quid of tobacco and a beard is like kissing a wall of clay." But there are other "not so special, the choice of words and the latter immediately says:" Kissing someone who is smoking and chewing tobacco is like kissing a newborn calf on the back. "

An unexpected kiss, the strong, making the drinks. In Chekhov's "Kiss", love-starved Ryabovich wanders into a dark room where the lady waiting for her boyfriend and kissed him enthusiastically in the coming days to demonstrate a passion for flowers in the story the woman he can not even visualize. A pastoral romance, Daphnis and Chloe (circa 200 AD), Daphnis Chloe steals a kiss. It reacts as if stung, but she was trembling and his heart beats. Chloe saw the face of it nothing more than a mushroom before, suddenly blinded him and he blushes violence. "My soul is also available in gasps, my heart jumps up and down, my soul will melt, but I want to kiss her again," he says. "Oh, what a strange disease that I did not even know to call.

Kiss has been a long emblemized alchemy of love. Sleeping Beauty woke up, and frogs to princes. Year of the Scottish ballad. An evil stepmother became Earl's daughter, the snake, but a hero Kempion kissed her three times, and it thrives in human form, this legend has more variations than the DNA. One. Stepmother girl becomes lime, and he is transfixed for ten years, until the prince kissed her roots in Boiardo's Orlando Innamorato pretty girl sitting in the tomb of the castle. He calls Baron Brandi Mart opened and a kiss, which he finds inside. It allows the stone and the feather serpent bright eyes and teeth. Tremble from fear, she will kiss her cold, and this is a golden fairy who enchants are grateful for the armor and horses.

Sir John Mandeville tells the subsidiary on the island of Hippocrates Langø. Diana is a dragon's, and she was a lady fair weather, as a brave knight to kiss her on the mouth. Pledge to make at least two knights, but both turn tail when his ugly face. He throws the other end of Sea Cliff, and he fled to burst into a terrible roar.

Favorites Rinus Arles philosopher, said: "What else is it, and lips moving targets, but the soul at the crossroads?" He asked, kissing bravo Morgana Roberts, who likes a dash of the baseball field and a kiss. Another Morgana May 1988 planted smooch on Cal Ripken Jr. Baltimore Orioles, close to home plate Short Stop. Police arrested him a break, and they spent the night in jail. It was the "Fantastic Fan Night." Jose Moura, the notorious "serial number, such as Brazil, achieved his greatest victory, when he fled to safety at the feet of Pope John Paul II, Kiss of the 1980th in 1991, he tried to kiss Martina Navratilova during the tennis match, but police dragged him away.

One bandit kissing another 22-year-old species was Tabetha Dougan. In August 1994 she met an old man seventy-four years, bar, went home with him and shoved him to peck sedative. When the man woke up drunk the next morning, he found he had a Rolls-Royce, pocket watch collection worth $ 100,000, and $ 6,000 in stolen rings and other ornaments.

Stolen Kisses innocuous like Morgan, or entranced, as Chloe's. However, they can also be nasty. If the nineteenth-century Naples, a man kissing a woman against her on the street, the court forbade him to thirty miles from the place where the crime. Roman law, an offense specified in osculationis crimen crime to kiss, but kept only the relationship between the people of the same strength as you unchastely end. Kissing escalated rather than punishment. In England in 1837, sued Thomas Caroline Newton Country Saver, bitten who was one of his nose when he tried to kiss her. The judge said Miss Newton, which states that "if the woman's husband against her will, she is fully entitled to bite his nose when he wants a kiss." U.S. common law, this crime is the battery, like all the unwanted touching and sexual harassment.

Medieval literature is rich in examples, such as kissing an irresistible slide. Men kissing men, so that you can Jovian

G-forces pulled them away. Troubadour Peire Vidal, for instance, said: "I came to her room and stole a kiss of his mouth and chin. It is everything I had. I'm dead, if he refuses to rest." This is the mindset date rape.

Mistletoe is a known catalyst for kissing, natural or not. Prisoner to a kiss under the mistletoe, tradition, some say, came to the plant resembles the human genitals. Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1855 complained about the habits and customs of Liverpool: "girls, the house did their utmost to reach a male boarders, young and old, in such a privileged position to get them to kiss, they were expected to pay a dime." In 1989, Moorhead State University in Minnesota banned mistletoe the grounds that it encouraged sexual harassment.

Pillow is widely expressed in the love and compassion, thankfulness, reconciliation, wild joy and deep sorrow. Family members and relatives of a normal kiss, jealous, and Cynthia Propertius by inventing charges to justify the army of relatives smooches from strangers.

Kiss Me at the beginning of a long absence, to meet the future with regard to void affection. In the Old Testament is full of good-bye kiss, and when Paul went to Ephesus, the parents, they cried out for a shower and kiss him. Final departure of a kiss, kiss on the lips of a loved one is dead, as Propertius and Tibullus asked her husband to do. Legend had it that the death of the kiss a little longer in the body of thought. Ovid, in exile in Tomi, laments that his wife would not be able to make their stay on the ground to extend his cushion. The old idea was that the deceased followed by a kiss from the underworld, the highest comfort in all the hole.

Kiss is often an expression of greeting. Although chimpanzees kiss and hug after a divorce, a sign of deep roots and a kiss. People are welcome to the sun and moon, with kisses and individuals from many countries greet one another with a kiss for each cheek. Ancient Rome a kiss was a greeting, such a scourge, Tiberius (AD 42 BC-37), who used to hate flattery, decree against them. She had little effect. "Every neighborhood every furry face farmer pressure on his pillow, with a strong flavor, Martial (c. 40-c. 102 ad) I'm sorry." Here you are knitter attack fuller, shoemaker, who just kissed education here owner of dirty beard and one-eyed man is one of bleared eyes and the guys who are fat from the mouth of all sorts of horrors. "

The adjusted resumed during the Middle Ages. Montaigne (1533-1592) criticized. Why should she have to kiss a boy Lackey? he asks. And people are not right, "because we have a nice 53 for ugly women kiss them." Erasmus (1466? -1536) Was a toilet in England Notes and kisses. Even pretty girls washed the house gave a kiss as they left the brilliant solo.

This lip generosity continued throughout the seventeenth century. Canopies and Molière (1622-1673) kissing each other for free, but Le misanthrope Alceste accuses Phil intentions of everyone kisses, and "When I ask who it is that you barely know her name!" But the habit has decreased the eighteenth century, and it is not refundable, except in Hollywood.

Kiss of love is self love and vulnerability that has become a sign of a long kiss: I'm vulnerable to you. Lowest tender lips, superior non-sensitive area.

The mouth is a classic Kiss of the receptors. In the Babylonian Epic of Creation Chthonic gods called Anunnaki Marduk kiss your feet. Kissing the feet of Jesus, Mary Magdalene and the holy habit of feet or hands for centuries been a kiss. Caligula made subjects kiss his feet and hands or legs Bussed medieval vassals of their masters. If pride Rollo, Chief Norman was a simple tribute to Charles, he saw the damage the prospect of bend to kiss the royal feet. Instead, he took Charles to the mouth and lifted his lips, upending the overall king of entertainment.

Earth is another good kiss on the worn surface. In the Mesopotamian myth of a visit Nergal Ereshkigal Queen of the underworld she kneels before him and kissed ground floor. Ancient times, people kissed their rulers story literally licked the dust. Isaiah promised that the kings and queens "is a bow before you lick the ground and their faces before the dust from your feet." Noble was reason to kiss the Thousand and One Nights of its Sultan. When Raskolnikov recognizes the murder of Sonya and asking his advice, he says: "Go now, this minute, at the crossroads, bow down, and kiss the ground you have defiled." He makes fun center for spectators.

People have kissed the altars, temples and idols awe. Cicero was a reverent kiss on the lips and beard are worn statue of Hercules at Agrigento. Kissing the Holy Cross, especially here. Pictures of people kissing the Virgin Mary and the Saints fall a lot, and kissed the right foot statue of St. Peter in St. Peter's Square. Kiss of the holy relics of his ailments, and cures for centuries to overcome the disease in Pascal's cousin, we learn, through a cushion of Christ's Crown of thorns.

Intimacy of kissing the appropriate insults. Devil argued against his pillow, and secret society initiation rites of this Act. In the "Miller's Tale" scoffed Alison pulls a similar trick for the lover Absalon. We cut "Kiss my ass" and the Germans say, more delicate, "He did not kiss me if I'm not the nose. Osculum a Latin word for kiss is the first syllable, we refer to the foot, and two rear. In the story of ancient Rome, a man asked for a kiss married woman, and she gave him, laughing: "My first, my husband, not you. But you are right welcome to the other two. "

A kiss is a promise. Kiss of love, faith and promises of marriage as hats. A kiss of respect means fidelity. A kiss can seal feudal alliance. After copying the new knight, master of ceremonies is often kissed him. In the Song of Roland, Roland swear Ganelon betrayed by kissing the handle of the sword Saracen king.

However, this promise can be made. Is 7 July 1792 a member of the French legislative bickering and the Austrian and Prussian armies in March in Paris, Antoine Adrien Lamourette eloquently urged deputies to swear eternal brotherhood. In response, they ran to each other's hands and exchanged kisses of reconciliation. The conflict continued in the next day and had died two years later Lamourette guillotine.

A promise is false, Jinx, and a kiss. Judas kiss of betrayal of the city center. As St. Ambrose wrote, "Kiss of the power of love, and if there is no love, no faith, no love, there is the sweetness of a kiss?" Ambrose called Judas "as a nasty combination of the lips instead of a death sentence, told the love.

We kiss on items superstitions, hopes to wring them luck. Gamblers are lucky enough to die pad and lean tourists kissing Blarney Stone. To prevent lightning strike several rustic, three, kiss the ground before it crosses three times. That the treatment of dental pain, they kiss a donkey's feet. If a book or a piece of bread on the spot, they kissed when they pick it up. Mothers kiss their children, scratches, "Is it better," superstition may be less than the SOP.

Alfred Eisenstaedt captured one of the most famous history of the public kiss: sailor kissing a woman Times Square, the day the war ended. There is a ballet movie poster is a place where a person turns a woman torso almost parallel to the floor, lean, and kissed him deeply. He proposes a passionate reunion, but Eisenstaedt said the sailor was drunk and weaving on Broadway kissing every woman he met. It was a kiss, giddy relief and celebration.

But the kiss is not always tolerated, even less does.

Cato (234-149 BC), punished by Senator named Manilius women kissing in public, his daughter. Cato Plutarch's criticism of an offense, but added: "How disgusting is a kiss at least one-third." Clement of Alexandria (150? -220? Ad) are advised to avoid kissing couples for their employees. Nyrop the inimitable, writes: "One night a large party was a young woman ostentatiously kissing the mouth of a man with whom she was engaged. Cato was certainly his grave when he saw, knew that such obscene behavior actually tolerate people refinement and power."

Even in the West today, to encourage the public condemnation of the kiss. In 1991, the Los Angeles condominium association, warned against the alien and fifty-one years old 'kiss and bad things "in public. He sued, enter them now endure "humiliating comments and questions to strangers." The group apologized for the errors of identity.

Asian and some African nations have traditionally been open-mouth kissing to avoid viewing them as purely private, and bows instead of the 'sniff-kiss "and other gestures. 1897 French anthropologist Paul d'Enjoy pointed out that the Chinese viewed the West with horror-mouth kissing, almost cannibalistic act. Malinowski found no evidence of the persistence of expression-and-mouth kissing is foreplay Trobriandi, but a lot of foot-rubbing, tongue sucking, tongue-rubbing, sucking and lip biting lip.

Sniff-kiss or rub the nose, in many cultures, which means the mixing of two of the human soul or spirit, which is similar to life itself. Maori welcome strangers touching your nose gently, twice. This leads to a double circle of close and closer links with a handshake. But it is far from a kiss.

Kiss send a spark for the soul, or even walking surface. This tenderness is a hint, take the oath, and to learn the identities westerner, is undoubtedly the world without any difficulty.

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